So, recently, my wife (and a fellow author on Jukepop, A. L. Ross) convinced me I should take the short story Transmission: End, and turn it into a full-blown novel. Great idea, but as a short story, there was a whole lot I didn't really have to develop, like what the hell the space station Terra Firma actually looked like, or how the different sections might fit together.
And that spurred on a week-long process of making stuff up. This has been interesting to say the least, but this is what I came up with.
And that spurred on a week-long process of making stuff up. This has been interesting to say the least, but this is what I came up with.
E.G.S.S.T.F - Overview
Extra Galactic Space Station Terra Firma was commissioned on 4048-11-11. A human-only scientific expedition, its mission is to observe ancient radiations with its satellite array of 50,000 probes spread out in a 10 light-year radius. Its placement is in a rare and optimal dimensional peak allowing the observation of an unprecedented amount of the universe from a single location.
Statistics: The appearance of the station is of a tear drop shape encircled by three rings along its axis. The station was specifically built with the same capabilities as a inter-galactic starship, but allowing for a much larger crew and secondary accommodations.
Population 10,062.
Overall Dimensions: 975 meters long, 1508 meter diameter wide
Specific Dimensions:
Station Core: 750 meters tall, 675 meter diameter
Interior gravity orientation for the station core is considered Above Horizon, or simply Above. The surface of the Core is called the Skin and its gravity is the only exception, with “down” directed to the center axis.
The Core is broken down in to four component areas:
Maintenance and Life Support: This section is the lower third of the Station Core, and located just above the central lake. It contains the Base-Fabric Core Generator (which is one of the largest ever made), the Capacitor Arrays (necessary to power the Primary and Secondary Warp Rings), Secondary Complex Matter Generators (allowing for any station repairs or modifications), Circulatory/Metabolic Systems (including air filtration and water filtration), and Central Processing (which houses Esstif and secondary computation systems).
A.T.I.D.U.: Array Tethering, Integration, Distribution and Utilization (typically spelled without punctuation, ATIDU, and pronounced as one word) encapsulates the middle third of the station. Its primary purpose is to maintain and communicate with the 50,000 Observational Array Probes surrounding the Terra Firma. This includes recalling and reestablishing links with drifting or malfunctioning probes.
Its secondary purpose is to distribute all of the amassed data that is collected by the satellites to all of the substations, science quarters and observation decks.
The tertiary concern for the ATIDU is the maintenance of the Entropic Collection Threads and the Cohesion Fields that encompass the station which protects the station from the high entropy state and dimensional shear of their current position.
In between the Primary Warp Ring support struts, there are three massive repair bay doors. Each of the bays contain a Primary Complex Matter Generator and are capable of housing a single Observational Array Probe. Each can construct a Probe from scratch within a week's time.
Docking Ring: This is a simple two level deck between the ATIDU and the TOD, and just above the Secondary Warp Ring. Polymorphic docking clamps and bridge extend out secure to up to eight visiting ships or to connect to a larger orbiting station.
T.O.D.: Located at the tip of the station's tear-drop shape, the Technical Observation Deck is the bridge of the station. All systems can be routed and controlled from the location, and it has the necessary accommodations to host formal events and official meetings.
Arboretum: 225 meters tall, 630 meter diameter
While technically part of the Station Core, the Arboretum is the only section considered Below Horizon and containing the gravitational orientation accompanying the designation.
A 630-meter radius within the heart of the Terra Firma, the arboretum is the primary recreational location on the station. Roughly 47% of the oxygen supply is created by the 4,615 different flora housed within. The center of the arboretum is a small lake of roughly 100,000 cubic meters. Its shores contain a resort-like area with designated locations for lounging and sport.
The perimeter of the Arboretum is intermittently lined with store fronts and restaurants.
Habitat Ring: 1,395 meter OD, 1305 meter ID, 45 meter diameter thick
4,380 meter Outside Circumference, 4,098 meter Inside Circumference
Capable of housing over 12,000 people.
Designed for comfort, the Habitat ring is structurally situated so as to incur the least resonant distortion (which creates a powerful sense of vertigo for organic sentients) from the Primary Warp Ring.
Primary Warp Ring: 1,508 meter OD, 180 meters wide, 40 meters thick
Capable of generating a warp field large enough to jump the station over 5.8 million light-years per hour (around 1.8 million parsecs) It is the most powerful warp field ever created by the Alliance and is subsequently too dangerous to use at full power within a star system.
Secondary Warp Ring: 795 meter OD, 90 meters wide, 30 meters thick
Dedicated to precision navigation and inter-star-system travel. The secondary ring also provides the basic propulsion for the station .
And boom, we have a station/starship for our characters to run around in.